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Vector Vault

A Vector Vault is a curated collection of interconnected documents designed to enhance a model's comprehension. By uploading documents to a vault, Prompt Privacy conducts an in-depth analysis of the content and its connections to other documents. This process results in the creation of a cognitive storage engine, which significantly aids Language Learning Models (LLMs) in providing more precise and relevant answers.

Create a new Vault

  1. To create a new vault, first visit
  2. Next decide if this vault should be just for your account (My Vault), or available for your organization (Shared Vault)
  3. Click +New Vault

** Once inside the Vault Editor **

  1. Vault Name: Give this vault a name
  2. Vault Description: write a short description to explain the purpose of this vault (optional).
  3. Tag: Provide any relevant tags (optional)
  4. File(s) Expiry Date: The date these files expire (optional)
  5. Drag and Drop or Browse to your files on your computer to upload.

** Once created **

You can now select this vault in the Chat window, by clicking the Vector Vault button.

Once a vault is selected, every query you make to the current Large Language Model will be cross-referenced against the active Vault. Any relevant information discovered during this lookup will be incorporated into your prompt before it is processed by the LLM.